Gas Process Modules

Gas Process Units

A wide range of products for the treatment of gases

SPG Steiner GmbH with its business unit Gastec offers decades of experience in engineering and supplying custom-designed and modularized oil/gas treatment equipment. Our turnkey packages are designed fully in line with our clients’ operational needs in order to achieve reliable and safe production. Through the modularization approach we minimize the number of interfaces throughout project execution and also reduce the amount of work required on site.


One contact person and clear customer focus

The design and supply of customized equipment for gas plants ranges from the entire process equipment to the entire gas plant. Our multi-disciplinary engineering teams are managed by a project manager who is the single point of contact for our clients


  • Experience ranging from concept studies through plant start-up
  • Fully in compliance with all client specifications
  • Single-point responsibility for all plant interfaces
  • Modularized approach for ease of transportation and easy field installation
  • Own technology / technology partners
  • Own fabrication and network of worldwide fabrication partners.

SPG Steiner GmbH - a wide range of products for the treatment of gases

Gas Sweetening

Gas Sweetening

SPG Steiner GmbH provides gas sweetening systems and solutions, varying from licensed technologies to “open art” engineering. Being technologically and supplier-independent, SPG always aims to select the best possible solutions for every specific requirement of clients. All packages, including Amine-, Molecular Sieve- or Solid Bed Scavenging processes, are designed and manufactured to our clients’ specific specifications and requirements.



Gas scrubbing with Amine solvents is a reliable and proven technology for removing H2S and/or CO2 from sour gas and in situations in which low outlet concentrations are required. Amines commonly used in the industry are monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA) and methyldietholamine (MDEA). In addition to these generic amines, formulated amines can be selected for demanding projects. SPG collaborates with reputable amine suppliers in the industry and advises the best technology for each situation. In addition to the selection of the most suitable amine, we consider reuse of waste energy by recuperation, low - foaming, low-fouling and anti-degradation design aspects always in regards of optimization of Capex and Opex costs.

Molecular Sieve

Molecular Sieve

Molecular sieve adsorption processes are used for removing water, heavy Hydrocarbons (HC), H2S and CO2 from natural- and associated gas. In addition to gas drying, molecular sieve systems can be applied for gas sweetening provided the gas is (almost) dry and contains moderate concentrations of H2S and/or CO2. Molecular sieve systems are a commercially attractive alternative to the well-known amine systems when relatively small quantities of H2S and/or CO2 have to be removed from the sour gas. SPG Steiner GmbH collaborate with leading molecular sieve suppliers in the industry, evaluating the most suitable molecular sieve for our clients requirement and specifications. Through our design phase we considered the number of columns, the switching sequence, heat conservation, reuse of regeneration gas.

Dehydration Unit

Dehydration Unit

Natural, associated or any other produced gas does not automatically meet the client's transportation or storage specifications. Natural gas usually contains a certain amount of water/water vapor and is typically water-saturated. This water causes several problems in downstream processes and equipment, such as hydrate formation, corrosion or freezing in pipelines.

Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment

Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment

Sulfur is present in many raw industrial gases and in natural gas mostly in form of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The noxious hydrogen sulfide fumes that characterize many gas processing, refinery operations, and petroleum production sites represent a genuine threat to our environment. Sulfur Recovery Units, also known as Claus Units, use a feedstock of acid gases from sweetening units and sour-water strippers. The feedstock is sent through a combustion burner and reaction furnace, where it is burnt sub- stoichiometrically with air. The resulting mixture of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide reacts to form elemental sulfur ("Claus reaction"), which is then removed through condensation. This initial combustion section is followed by two or three catalytic sections to increase sulfur recovery rates to 94.5% - 97.5%. If a two – or three-stage Sulfur Recovery Unit cannot meet the minimum EPA recovery and pollutant emission levels, further processing is required. This involves a Tail Gas Treatment Unit (TGCU), which can either be integrated with the SRU at the design stage or added to an existing SRU. Most commonly applied Tail Gas Treatment is done by further processing of the remaining SO2-emissions from the SRU to convert it into H2S again which is then recycled to the inlet of SRU. 

Dedicated process equipments

Dedicated process equipments

As per client requirement and specifications, SPG is capable to design and fabricate dedicated process equipments as a supplement or replacement in existing Units. 

Fuel Gas Packages

Fuel Gas Packages

Fuel gas conditioning systems, also known as fuel gas filtration and heating packages, are designed to deliver clean, treated natural gas with the right pressure ensuring the performance and lifetime of gas-driven equipment such as turbines and combustion engines. The treated gas can also be used as seal gas, blanketing gas or utility gas.