Vendor Items for the local fabrication and assembly of the liquid dehydration skid using molecular sieve beds (Sodium Alumino Silicates Grades 4A or Equal). SPG Steiner Scope comprises of the following items: Two auto changerover adsorption / regeneration towers, two NGL inlet filters, one NGL Coalsescer, two NGL outlet dust filters, one hot oil (Therminol 60) heated regeneration gas heater, one air colled generation gas cooler, one electrical heated regeneration gas heater with electronic tryistor control system, high tensile CS plates, dish ends, high pressure control valves, explosion proof junction boxes, switching valves, stainless steel tubing instrumentation and control system in accordance with hazardous area requirement.
Scope of work:
Gas Sweetening Unit C3;C1/C2/C3
Drying Package
C2 Amine